Mondays: Spelling workbook pages & spelling sentences

Tuesdays: Pre-test in class and grade; write missed words 5x each
*If a student receives a 100% on their pre-test that will be their final grade and they do not have to take the test on Thursday.

Wednesdays: Spelling sentences are due; study for test

Thursdays: Spelling Test

Fridays: Get test back; write next weeks words in planner;
*Spelling sentences due every Wednesday-worth 100 points*

Word list for the week of: 2/7/2011
brother    together    dinner    popular    center    calendar    similar    
regular    summer    clever    supper    pitcher    filter    hangar    
never    shelter    cellar    caterpillar    theater    deliver
*character    *singular    *receiver    *spectacular    *binocular