Ms. Huffman’s Classroom Rules

Be Positive: attitude is a powerful tool.

Be Productive: use class time effectively, listen, and follow directions.

Be Polite: raise your hand, refrain from talking at inappropriate times, stay in your seat, etc.

Be Prepared: come to class with necessary materials and completed assignments.

Be Respectful:
treat others as you would expect to be treated.

I am using tickets as a means to reward my students for good behavior, staying on task, helping others, having homework done on time, getting an "A" on a test, etc. Each time I see a student accomplishing one of these goals they receive a ticket. They put their names on the tickets and collect them using them for rewards in our class.

5 tickets = candy
8 tickets = chew gum in class
10 tickets = eat lunch with teacher
12 tickets = no homework pass
15 tickets = soda
20 tickets = sit at teacher's desk for a day
30 tickets = afternoon of art/music or p.e.